Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Time For Us to Free Our Minds for Responsibility's Sake.

Free Hillaria, Free Aviv, Free Nathaniel, Free Me, Free Mumia who taught us to allow our dreams to go beyond the walls that separates us in deceit. Free Cathy Free Brittany Free Diana Free You Free We Free the information that bombards us from the TV Screen. Free the Animals Free the Trees From all the insanity that keeps us from communicating openly. Free our children Free our schools Free our windows so Freedom Rules! Free our Consciences so we feel whole. Free our minds so our bodies don't just reach for gold. Free our world from pollution's strangle hold. Free our direction to include us all. Free the blessings that break the mold. Allow the differences to take hold. Free the daily to explore what's more. Free ourselves from passing judgement on what we deplore, so we may expand and embrace love when it opens the door. Make what's light more important than supposed. You don't have to do nothing like it's a chore. Enjoy the moment, Look forward to what you expect, Allow the past to guide to keep going, Not sit on your chest. Allow what people tell you fall under your step, and do only what you need to, to follow your breath. Don't let the interference bind you your shackles have no locks, Except for Nathaniel and I wonder what goes on on his block. Except for Mumia who deserves, more than anyone, a kiss from a robin, than the rest of us do. Sitting in the deepest, darkest pit because it was easier to balance the lie than count to five and clear you. You know what for argument sake may she carry one from me, too. That goes for Leonard, too. I count the days till I get to sweat with you, With molten rock and grandfather's breathe, my choice, to live free with you. For Aviv, who, more than anything, wants to run around like the other kids do, and still asks to stay with his daddie, even though the court has said he'll have to make do. And to his mom, who feels responsible for all the abuse, but is too scared, she can't do what she knows we'll get her through. Free Cathy, because she was the first to take her story to the whole world. Cathy O knows that Diana really was the one who needed a way to shore. Free the people, So we may use the $80 trillion floating on our tax bills, to do more. No longer is the conquest necessary to breath, Our investments have shown us dividends to be perpetual And No Need ever - a better return to Harmony. Take your trillions upon trillions of dollars to do as you please. Just make sure that we eat. I bet we find that everything works out when you listen to we. One dictation holds the tone, But all voices make Ohm. When we sit down and you realize what you owe, We'll happily listen, you may find the cost to rebuild low. We build in harmony with what we know, imagine what could happen if we built with that we sow. The world of no matter turns to the world I know, And every single problem washed away, to show more. We sit in a paradigm set by our limits, Where we fight for space to say how we get it. Renewable resources cut for addictive collections till we have no more. When everything, all of our needs Are automatically provided for, by the little planet we call home. May we find the balance so long forgot That the earth begins to care for us Instead of watching her children settle for gore. As her body speaks We'll hear her through our hearts. The only one to guide us passed the wants and our have nots, Holding the lengths that haven't been freeing us from boundaries because of the cost. Imagine if oil companies turned to renewable energies that didn't cost a thing and thought became the only commodity to win. Imagine all those profits turning into smiles for Accomplishing what seemed the hardest feat. The only thing holding us back, Our egos calling, "Cheat!" A word to hide from our greatest fear, Change is what we need. Change an end to a means that perpetuates all our energy. A way to look at something differently. Something better, Something new, The only way to know what's true. The first thing to show us what went wrong and also, what we can do from now on. The limits only as big as your view. An end to a war does not mean we all come ashore. But an end to a war leaves opportunity to make something better than what's worth fighting for. The more voices we listen to, The less we have to do to make people find the means to do what we need to do. Making the world a better place the only thing that will heal our wounds. No matter what side you're on, You know that's what you really want to do. Putting things in front of this, Puts what's better to get tousled in the wake. Lost in a perpetual game of I forget, But I think this is the route we take. It matters, What's around us and what we take. You learn that quickly when you embrace. So whether it's a time for you to feel big or small, The benefit comes from you doing what makes everyone strong. Cause really what kind of world is it when you stand alone? Whether it's someone older Younger, Winged, Or tall, Stands on four legs, six, or none at all. If they have roots and trunks and leaves to shelter the world, There's a lot to be missed, when you're supposed to be more tall than them all. A know-it-all must compete with the differences in how we speak. Listen first A way without judgement. Strength only in what's weak. Try to find a bond that does not break at its weakest link and begin to leak. Remind yourself that a wound can heal. The path easiest followed always clear. Only those who want to get better, Heal. Our health the only way to see clearly, no end. That we must be able to communicate to change our Fate. That the challenge is only relayed by what makes us wait, Our decision stuck between that and what does this make. I thank my friends and neighbors for the strength we show, that helps the world grow. I just hope and pray our one big family begins to shape the world we live in with what we know, instead of waiting for that better world to just show. To all our relations... God bless us all.