Thursday, June 14, 2007

Missing My Boy

I have made it passed yet another marker on the road of life, and still have no idea where I'm at. All I know is my heart is missing a beat because a little boy I know as my son no longer runs around the house looking for fun. Back into a world full of tempers and bastion, I sit here twiddling my thumbs inside question after question...what would I have done differently, son? I don't know. Every avenue presented itself directly towards the same end. Either lay it all out in the open, or you get sent back to where you're missing everything the world offers over someone else's shoulders. Your mom says she won... I wonder, has she listened to her son? I would like to ask her, is he getting out and having fun? Has he described the world to you over lunch? Would you like to know the secret of why he calls my name out when all he wants is love? Would you believe this never was a competition? I never asked for relax and understand your whole perspective deserves a better version. The last person you should have ever attacked was the one with a hand on your back. No one to put a roof over your head ever laid a hand on you as far as you've run. They have been two kinds of people...Those who support those in need and those who haven't done that yet cause they can take what they want... Those with their own opinions, and those with someone elses. Aviv should not have to be confused and isolated in the middle, just because you found you could say the word chump. The battle driven to undercede. The energy awakened to vibrate virility is not one I want to see try to raise my son. I already know the outcome and his mom know's its unpleasantries far better than anyone. Yet one man divides her and tells her that what she wants can never be had, that the fight is the only thing falling on her lap... I asked, and found out we had everyone. So what's to fight for, except LOVE. If I fight for LOVE, what do I fight with? My hands? My feet? My mouth? My lungs? Myself? Do I divide myself just by chance? Or can I perform a balancing grasp far greater than any other act? I think I'll just leave this here and let my tears do a dance till I can come back and complete my task...making sure there is a path and not just someone else's perchance. If it so happened, give me a call, all I'd say is I Love You, in advance.

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