Sunday, September 9, 2007

As another Sunday marks a revolution of the World

The Greatest Things I've Never Been Able to Do... I've had this knack for taking issues to problems that affect the whole world, or ones that just effect us as individuals and finding solutions that could really work, daily. There's just one problem, I never seem to know who to share an idea with to make any of the bigger problems resolve themselves. It seems with most of our efforts saved for making money, most people find it difficult to let go of our common practices and look at an issue for its resolution. I rarely have an idea I don't see the benefit through charity. Imagine blocks of solar panels all across North Philly paying for the energy usage of the poorest families in the city. Imagine all the guns in the city (I live in Philadelphia) being put down. Imagine public transportation being free. Imagine prosecutors facilitating investigations and litigation to the truth, not persecuting more people into a system that can't imagine light ever shining through. Where a resolution allowed all parties a sense of redemption that fulfilled the void now laying dormant to any procedure being practiced. These not being issues easily changed, I'll wait for more people to recognize their significance before I try to go about any serious social change. But the ability is there to allow the things that plague our society to become beneficial, instead. No one seems to find all encompassing issues like these feasible. I mean, when we think about them, our brains start spinning, spiraling, and chattering away about how things are, how they're going to be and how they can't be any different. How sad an outlook. How dis empowered we become when we consistently give our choice over to how things appear right now. I have to say, I have never been able to do anything different, while my mind was racing a mile a minute, trying to make sense of how things are. I will say it is important to be able to recognize, to become conscious that your mind is racing. Once we can recognize something we can move on from it. Let it go and make it into something we do want, that we can enjoy. This is the natural progression our closed door practices miss. One train of thought does not dictate to more than one reality. When you fight with or for just anger, you provide nothing but the chance for more anger. To fight to recognize your anger lends to the ability to overcome your anger and create a mood and/or use other emotions to manifest much greater power than creating rubble. We have been fighting a spiritual war but it's been more like raising a child than a battle for blood. Maybe in battle blood is spilled but those commanding such actions miss the actions of the rest of the world. We, the people, find ourselves automatic experts from perspectives expanding from immediate input. Some of us have been on the killing fields, some of us have dressed their wounds. While well more of us have heard their stories and the stories of others that have taught a bit of the differences and lessons we continue to live and utilize to help others. What else would it be for if it wasn't supposed to end. The greatest opportunity and power an individual has lies in the ability to allow your wounds to heal. The more we use the same skills over and over again, we lose our skills to find other ways of doing things. It's not that greater opportunities are missing. It's that our vision becomes so narrow that we forget to allow more rays of light to enter. We have plenty of soldiers who have come home from war. A majority of who were kept at their post much longer than we agreed or they expected to be there. The betrayal they feel will be mended by the gifts that the rest of us have. Their ability to accept love and appreciation will become effortless in time. Patience is never something constant nor immediately available, especially with such tragic memories so close at hand. I know. I've had to wage war with demons who fought me from the inside and that war is harder than any enemy you have ever faced. I felt so lonely and isolated. When my emotions were all stirred, I had to fight from allowing them to bubble over because I knew the struggle I was experiencing was because of something I had already made sure was over. I spent a year and sixth months fighting One night. No one around me had any idea how to help because there was only one other person who had any idea what it was like for me. Most people never go through something so terrible that they relive it in so many different ways. Maybe it's been the difference between the boundary of what we live in one lifetime and the experience of our soul's reincarnations that gets jaded. The boundaries of which find time as the main stabilizer and healer. All I know is I can feel a lot more love today than I could 4 years ago and five years ago I couldn't think of feeling anything other than what was trapping me, weighing on my shoulders and a sense to keep moving forward. Those were the only two things I could accept, everything else waited so I could get better. Only then did the energy that actually keeps us together show itself to me, again. To all those who have come home from war...Welcome home guys, whether its from the service or a cell, the love is here...don't worry...when you're ready you'll find it right where it's supposed to be. Peace.

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