Wednesday, September 5, 2007

While I Sit and Wait

God made me see a bigger picture. God taught me to walk through it. God said, "Just Listen, you'll find your place." God said, "Just do what we taught you." God said to me, "Walk right though it." God said, "Don't let them use you." God said, "Don't let them feed you." "Thanks God, I love you." God said, "Know who are you talking to." The La-Kota say, "Listen first." Rastas say, "One Love." Christians say, "Give thanks." Buddha said, "We are all one." God said, "The whole world is see through." My neighbor said, "Show us your movement." I said, "I want to show people that they can cry again, not out of self pity, but just for the sure act of feeling emotion, again." I cried for the first time in a long while, two days ago and have cried everyday since. Not out of fear, pity or vindication but for the spirit within to mend and cleanse excess baggage. You know my face looked younger, and my third eye began to relax. The creases in it seemed to shed backed up emotions just needing to unwind, as my tears streamed down my face, my face tried to figure out what to do, the scars began to melt away. A healing took place and the hold left more space than it promised before. I hadn't cried like this for four years. Now, about King Solomon's court, I'm not going to allow Aviv to stay in the middle... I'm not going to pull his legs as you rip out his arms. I'm not going to allow you to horde us in what's basically a step into jail for a three year half black child just to give he and I only two hours together a week. He deserves more! And if you won't let me give him what he deserves, I am not the one to tease him with what he could Have! When he and I are allowed the freedom to run and play like we're supposed to, and you can see how we are together. I will have the opportunity to love him the way he deserves. I hold no responsibility for the separation put between Aviv and I, for I cannot even talk to him on the telephone. Repeated conversations with his mother show she is incapable of even imagining a different position from her current one. As for the Court's opinion, I cannot change your prejudice about the roll that a father and mother have to a child. I will say separating any of the parties without some way of finding a cohesive resolution, especially for the child, to exert influence is the greatest example of institutional injustice of all. I look for a system of balance, facilitation, mediation and resource. What I've found is an interaction fully crass, arrogant, self-fulfilling and completely removed from the idea of Justice or compromise. In a real world, we would put our resource into mending wounds, compromising with the integrity the bond of a child deserves and placing all resource at the fingertips of any person with the intent to empower the individuals with the capability of the system. With the reality being that the court has more than enough resource, I find that the only request I can make is for any and everything we might need to fully resolve this or any dispute be used above returning to any order previously made or using your authority to influence this situation into more of a disaster. Families do not need people to influence them to work. Support should be the foundation that would never allow any separation to dictate the stability of the whole structure. I know all of accusations to hold strong moorings.I recognize the polarizing nature and influence making such statements creates. Yet at no point was Aviv allowed the time or space to allow anyone to appreciate his own path to the truth. The steps taken were never to a level that sought the truth. I hold my statements as true, not for any vindication for it was not from my influence that he said what he said, but only that he be allowed to speak the truth he was seeing. I made a promise to a little boy to allow the truth to have an opportunity to show itself. I now place the responsibility on all our shoulders to sift through time to make sure we know what's true and what isn't. Aviv is only three years old. For him to use his cognitive and communicating abilities to speak about being the victim of such things, should humble us to his use of a tremendous amount of his very young resource. "I'm only a little boy," he'll say. To have his trust betrayed shows a level of self-fulfilling negligence that should not be allowed. Children are our future because through us they already see the past. It is not fair nor do they deserve to have to relive anything from lives, but given the opportunity to learn from our experiences. The differences between people has too great an influence on our understanding of the world. Taking our differences and finding strength to learn more about the world will open the door to unlimited resources, far beyond any inequalities we've felt currently. With this out look, cultural differences should be allowed to be expressed without any restriction and sequestered practice should be opened and allowed to be for anyone interested. Its integrity will always hold to its origins and no person may influence the true essence and wisdom of its practice.. Anything that could be used to harm, may also be used to heal. The benefits of diversity has more power than could ever be expressed in just words. Exploring diversity as reality will only open the world to healthier growth, all encompassing prosperity, and the benefit of all living things. Appreciating diversity has the ability to relieve any duty of self deprivation above a duty of responsibility. To allow anyone to empower themselves and others to accomplish any task. Diversity teaches humility, cooperation, growth, strength, commitment and dedication to the relationship we have with all things. I hold this as the true spirit of our country and government. Of its responsibility and its ability. The fact that this is not how it works is just a sign of a very adolescent character of its personality. The fact is there is more than enough resource. We have been biding our time to try to perpetuate something that automatically replenishes itself. I may not be an expert of this, but there are more than enough people who have studied the phenomenon that exuberant resources in the trillions of dollars have been found spilling over with increasing dividends with the ability to accommodate our whole population as well as the world without making a dent. How different things are when they change. The level we will reach without effort will be so drastic that when we're done we will have changed more about ourselves than anything we weren't paying attention to before. We'll have the opportunity to teach responsibility in every aspect that we choose to live. All old separations, all old divisions, any hierarchy will dissipate like fog on a spring day. Dissipating in the warmth of light rising above the horizon. Wounds and injuries will heal with greater circulation and space. Knowing what our resources actually are will give us the opportunity to make sure we never abuse what we have any longer. Anything that would tax resources would have a direct opportunity to stabilize its effect towards something better. Consciousness allows appreciation of all aspects of existence and ability. So all boundaries begin to disappear when responsibility finds its true purpose, the distribution of energy. Using our full capabilities to empower the state of this planet makes for such an efficient way to a level of openness that makes anything possible.

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