Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When I'm Thinking, Does California Forget About Itself?

When I stepped into the sunshine of Southern California, a year ago, I knew I was standing on the richest soil next to the Big Apple. I didn't question that more money was made here than all but whole countries. The only exception for Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. In 2005, I read from work done on, Los Angeles, alone, had well over 11 trillion dollars in recirculating surplus. Yet, I just witnessed a year of people losing services because the Governor couldn't find enough to fund the state economy. Between Californians and the U.S. Congress I've watched Nancy Pelosi start off by saying I hope a National Healthcare plan is passed by the end of the summer. Now, a whole month after summer has ended, I have watched a whole chamber full of adults bicker and discourage any referendum, so it seems the two sides have nothing to talk about. The biggest opponents to the manifestation of the legislation, are the only ones who would benefit from the extra funding. Is it not enough? When health care reform came up in the 90's, it was stymied at the tune of why are we allowing government further into our lives? Now with the added persuasion of adding to the self-pride of our nation, we have given our highest post, to an African without enslaving him. His wife, a full blooded American, and her mother a permanent resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. What exactly do the American people think lesser of you? When two factions take sides, and forget about all the onlookers, does it matter what you have to say about each other to the other? When you see the benefit of making an act, but decide not to establish that for the backlash of the industry you are actually suggesting to subsidize, nationally. What do we think when you say higher premiums will have to be instated for those already paying for their own complacency? Weren't you just telling me this was supposed to free me? When I asked myself why am I not pounding down the doors of those who represent me? I wondered, would Nancy Pelosi feel more motivated knowing she was going against her word? Or does her work just give advantage to making it something else. I never voted for somebody so I could wait for them to work lesser than. I sat there in May, finding myself completely unemployed, my insurance just canceled with a bit of optimism in my tears. If you, my now established Representation in the United States Congress, if you allow yourself the advantage of what the people you represent stand by, you will be able to enact any law that makes their lives better and we, I believe unequivocally would sustain your post because not only are we support, Optimism would replace pessimistic shadowing of the actual benefit to the industry that seems replete in impending demise. $862 billion dollars extra to the Healthcare Industry is a far cry from negating their ability to run a business. $86.2 billion dollars adds that much a year to the security of this industry that just a few years ago was so mismanaged than hospitals were unable to handle the doctors just finished Med school, more hospitals still closing than those being openned. So, without belittling their addiction to backpedal people's inquiries into how does this industry really function. Let me first say, I want to support you. I think I have a wonderful ability to see where appreciation is warranted and reformation dignified. So, I am well aware, as I am sure the health care industry will quickly make note, that a good percentage of those paying for heath coverage will see a good advantage and I want to emphasize Good advantage, to opting or changing to a National Coverage plan that makes it easier on the individual to afford health care that entitles us to substantial heath coverage in the event we become ill and need treatment. I can imagine most doctors can see the advantage to increasing the number of people who have coverage lessening the percentage of people who find themselves in making emergency care, their only care, because they actually waited to deal with a health issue until their body was broken. A hospital I'm sure is going to see the added cushion of subsidizing coverage advantageous, as more patients with coverage leveling the ebb and flow of facilitating business into the black, again. Imagine an insurance carrier appreciating the extra security of the American people ensuring their bottom line. I pale to compare their rhetoric, rather a better ability to maintaining a high level of care for all they serve. I am aware that insurance is supposed to be as competitive as the stock market. Those being big shoes to fill, are we to really to believe that more money is lost by securing subsidy for an entire industry, lends to insurance companies making less money? As the stock market pays more in the long term, than day to day, wouldn't insurance companies fair better keeping a few billion established solidly every year, just for having more people covered, than solely relying on those who can afford the $400 or so a month it costs to maintain a policy for an individual. In ten years, without having to start over, isn't that just $862 billion dollars, as an industry, you are being offered to circulate with the rest of the gobs and gobs of millions and billions you have been able to perpetuate up to this point? Having watched this debate with an eye on the door, I realized the vulgarity before I walked into the theatre. I am to be an observer of something that could benefit my and millions of others lives and you'd rather have the American people sit back and watch one belittle the other so it becomes hard to even fathom for you, our representatives, that their really is a viable option to be considered? I wonder what effect it would have if we suspended session until you had the advantage of hearing what everyone of your constituents felt about getting support with their rising medical costs, with the advantage of getting coverage, that they were never able to get before. Finding yourself at the table of those in need is a much different position than those who are getting paid, I understand. Don't let me over step your already determined boundary. I hope to influence your ability to see optimism in doing something beyond what you may have been able to notice on your own. I have experience handling state subsidized health care. Never for myself, as I am too able bodied and as I expect white, to be able to be considered able to qualify for coverage, but my son and his mother were covered and are still covered since his conception. I wonder could my experience though as a young person lend to the motivation of acting with what you have, rather than making unclear what you can't use without others' establishing their own support. I have spent the last year in the second largest city in the United States, where the municipality of Los Angeles has slashed $131 million from its faculty, services and infrastructure of public education, while the city and state government have established a lawsuit so far from handling the stalemate because no one wants to educate poor indignant folk. I able to remember a time when the school district I grew up in 3000 miles away was facing $141 million and $180 million dollar deficits in consecutive years. Instead of saying, "Oh yes, massah! Thank you massah! I appreciate you giving me air to breath, and light to see with, massah!" I witness of 2000 students who congregated outside of city hall in Philadelphia (1996) to show our representatives both locally and statewide how much its students care about the system they navigate each and everyday. Standing together, the police department still considers it one of the most peaceful actions ever to form amongst the daily migrations of this Country's first Capital. When a "Rainy Day Fund" was established instead of funding the gaps in the subsidies of Public Education, we watched as kids found no heat in their classrooms, over $400 million establishing itself in the state's reciprocating and open slush fund. To find any governments ability to subsidize more than it has before, all we usually have to do is look at it's quarterly or annual financial report. Many annual comprehensive financial reports clearly showing how much, in Surplus, that agency has reciprocating. Lending the idea and ability of even more growth in future years, not less. By having a pile of cash to invest, a reciprocity manifests that increases growth of whatever it funds, and returns rarely negate the educated and established dividend of market security. So, when a mayor says, "No, we won't fund this because it's the state's obligation," or the Governor says, "We cannot authorize any more allocation of the People's funds." Let us all stand up and openly profess, "Mayor, why not suggest where the money could come from, not where it cannot be authorized. Mr Governor, We The People have spoken." If it's not to your face, openly testifying their personal or collective needs and willingness to share with you what you may not understand otherwise. We at work, on the bus, in the grocery stores and malls, on the streets, and while we live our own lives, all consider each others' needs and means with our own. If you cannot hear what we say, when we say it? I would appreciate the opportunity to tell you when to look, where to look and what you should expect to hear, just to get the message clear. You might be surprised to learn the advantage of taking care of those in need, rather than maintaining behavior that has always allowed you to turn away your ear. In the end, a decillionaire has 3 and 1/3 more to the power ten than a trillionaire, and I hope the motivation concedes behavior need not maintain conscience about our responsibility to the planet, individual and facilitation of our collective ability any longer.

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