Friday, June 26, 2009

No More Fighting

It's taken me till today To get better at not blaming others. To Understand you know more than I do. Mine eyes are for me to see. Were it up to me I'd get bored of what I was saying before I've convinced you to listen to what I meant. So who's too small to talk back? I spent my whole life getting better, it took me two minutes to be born. Was it a curse or my first breath, the first blessing, That was all I needed from us all. A man with a gun knows how strong, but a man who understnads and listens, In his palm, the gun could fall. If the bullets speak in response, to something, Where'd the argument start? If you won't listen to me because I'm too small? Who's to say you hear anything by standing too tall? I've fought my baby sister, friends, my parents, kids I didn't even know, dults, Ministers, maybe not my own. politicians, but didn't open my mouth teachers, cause who knows, police, no that man does not need another blow. Doctors, by no fault of their own. Masons, well, silence fell. Shriners, um allah for all? Catholics, well, don't hate it all. Protestants, english men deserve another call. Muslims, a man deserves to tell. Christians, even Mormans, and especially Unitarians. course, who raised me at all? Yet, to you all, I still found a piece of me inside of you to hold onto. The greatest obstacle I've encountered in life should be myself. Yet, with tooth and nail, I've managed to mangle all that I hold dear. Attempting to unfold reality beyond before. You just wanted my grace. So, what's worth fighting for? You take what I give you, and counter and trace, till nothing is left, except, of course, waste. To conquer supposed to include won, But when said and done, Who knows where they come from. When a man bent on smashing another to smitherenes, One word could deflate his motives, no harm done to anyone, not him, not me. How do we put up with, Why don't we wait out for it? Was it permission we bid for, this ability the ultimate from the rest? Again, Is it me you must listen to, or what's inside of you? If Ghandi said it was Love the only true manifestation in the universe, Negativity, still nothing at all. Who's to say nurturing that need detracts at all from the progress of a masterpiece beyond everything kept small.

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