Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Before a Solution, there's You

I started this blog for a couple of reasons. I don't hear opinions in the media that are different from press releases put out by specific interests. I wanted a way to express myself, and to put my own ideas out there, to help diversify the mix. And I wanted a way for those close to me, both friends and family, to have a neutral space to see where I'm coming from on issues both great and small, personal and world wide. I grew up with this idea of freedom of speech, and that sharing ideas is the only way things get worked out. In the last few years, I've tried to find ways to express myself in ways that people around me could digest what I was saying and appreciate the attention I gave them. I haven't found any medium better than music and plain writing things down for people to get into my frame of mind. It seems we always come from where we are, where we come from to get what somebodies talking about, and seldom do we let go of our ties else where to appreciate a new point of view. I felt like starting a blog was a lot like going out on a limb. I was sure that the bow was sturdy enough, but finding myself farther and farther away from the trunk, certain insecurities lent themselves to sticking around. I, like most people, don't always feel confident about what other's are going to think about what I want to say. I can't even tell if anyone's really looking at my blog, except for one cute little comment on a piece I felt was a mere step in the right direction. But, even with the things that I can't do anything about, I have taken each discrepancy as a challenge to do something better. Each post, a step to something bigger and an opportunity to learn something about myself, and to share with the rest of the world. I am doing my best to not hold my opinions as the highest ground, but would not like to admit any expertize about anything but my own experience. I feel that our world deserves more appreciation of the individual, rather than just plastic forms molded and strengthened by people working hard and giving it their all. We, as individuals hold the power to allow anything to fail or succeed. I would like to show my appreciation for the 6 billion or so individuals on this planet that give our species a guide towards hope and a reality that includes every living thing's relationship to the whole. I say this because no one around me really understands that I do not talk just for myself, but would like to share my own movements to show the scale of the movement of the whole world. We, I beleive, live in a world based on love and trust. We come out of the womb, and we are able to love. We come out of the womb and are embraced by the pull of gravity, and as we grow, we learn to trust that that keeps us from floating away. Our personalities and experiences will always dictate the full spectrum of how we feel, but absolutes always have the opportunity to manifest into something positive for all parties. Having such a strong connection to the loving energy of this planet, I am able to appreciate that which will never be on TV. And those things that perpetuate themselves just to be on top, I believe will always find themselves in the same place till they start thinking of the whole. We as people are destined to learn from our mistakes, period. We will not move forward till we take what's holding us back and put it in a place where it can't do any harm and can only grow into something that's better. So, after reading this, take a moment and find something that you can appreciate. Look at it, feel it, say to yourself, I appreciate this. I do not want anything I do not appreciate to interfere with my appreciating this right now. Don't focus on anything else. If something flashes through you that you do not appreciate, let it go. Love what you can love, and that which you really don't like, tell yourself that it deserves the same space you give yourself, but you don't have to stick around for it at all. Things that we do not like, if ignored, usually turn into something completely different. In ways, that normally compliment the things you do enjoy. Have a great day, let's start enjoying the things we like and ignoring the things we don't. Cause eventually, you'll turn to me and realize we've been talking about the same thing and you never knew it. Then we will find solutions.

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